[有片] 撿手榴彈!黃背心示威男右手掌炸斷「啊~」痛苦慘叫

#1 國民黨孫大砲
17/01/19 03:25


法國民眾因不滿燃料稅調漲,從11月17日發起「黃背心」(Gilet Jaunes)運動示威,該抗議活動至今已持續近4週,儘管法國政府5日宣布撤銷調漲計畫,但仍難平眾怒,示威主軸也演變成反政府,甚至要求總統馬克宏(Emmanuel Macron)下台,其中包括巴黎、里昂等多個城市都上演激烈衝突,日前在波爾多的抗議過程中,一名示威男子因撿拾被扔出的手榴彈,右手掌當場被炸斷,場面相當驚悚。


根據英國《每日星報》報導,日前上千名示威群眾湧入波爾多市中心,現場混亂、爆炸聲頻傳,街頭隨處可見火光濃煙,其中一名示威男子因隨手撿起路邊一顆未爆炸的手榴彈,右手手掌整個被炸斷,男子當場捧著血肉模糊的手腕不斷發出痛苦的哀號聲,場面相當血腥駭人,雖然男子被送醫搶救後性命無礙,但手掌因被「炸沒了」無法接回,波爾多的副檢察官艾蒂安(Olivier Etienne)也指出,除了該名男子遭炸傷外,另外還有36人在這場抗爭中受傷。


#2 劣食牛
17/01/19 03:29


#3 國民黨孫大砲
17/01/19 03:31

‘Police shot at us deliberately': Friend of French woman who lost eye in Yellow Vest

French police put lives at risk during Yellow Vest protests, RT heard. A friend of a woman who lost her eye at a rally says police was targeting bystanders deliberately, while a reporter claims her helmet was confiscated.

A 20-year-old student, identified as Fiorina, came to Paris for a “Yellow Vest” rally last weekend, Maxime Jacob, the woman’s friend, told RT France. “I was around when we were at Champs Elysees. At around 12am we asked gendarmes to let us leave the place but they were ordered not to allow anyone out.”

At some point, violent rioters attacked a store nearby, setting protective shutters on fire. Suddenly, riot police began dispersing the crowd so that fire brigades could make it to the site. “We were on the left, very far away [from there],” Jacob explained, saying he and Fiorina were pushed back to a police barricade.

But, he claims, police fired shots on both sides regardless of where the arsonists were. “And then, during another attack, an anti-riot grenade exploded several meters away from me,” he recalled. “Seconds later, Fiorina was hit and she fell to the ground.”

Jacob believes his friend wasn’t hit accidentally.

Jacob said that while he doesn’t oppose the use of force to restore order, there are “no justifications to an attack on people… who are just looking on and have no protective gear, no gas masks.”

The issue of protective equipment came to light earlier in December when a French photographer claimed riot police compromised her safety during Paris rallies. While covering the protests, Veronique de Viguerie engaged in an argument with officers who said she should keep away from the area.

“They told me: ‘Look, there’re projectiles flying all over the place, you should be mad not having a helmet. Be a professional, it’s not safe here, come back with your helmet on’,” de Viguerie told RT France. Covering the rallies next time, she brought a helmet and a gas mask but the equipment was confiscated at a police checkpoint.

“Some officers played cowboys, it seems, they didn’t follow an order and did put photographers at risk by confiscating their protecting gear.” She claimed many reporters were injured by Flash-Balls during skirmishes between police and protesters.

Two RT reporters, Peter Oliver and Lucas Leger, were injured in the middle of the unrest. Oliver was hit by a rubber bullet while Leger was wounded by a projectile in his face.

慎入:Photo of Fiorina:

#4 國民黨孫大砲
17/01/19 03:32

80yo woman dies after being hit in face by projectile amid Yellow Vest protests

An 80-year-old woman was fatally injured by a projectile, believed to be a tear gas grenade, amid massive rallies in Marseille. She was struck at her home and later succumbed to her injury in hospital.

The woman, of Algerian descent, was in her fourth-floor flat in the southern French city when the riots broke out nearby on Saturday, according to BFMTV. The 80-year-old was hit in the face by a projectile as she closed shutters, to prevent tear gas from pouring into her flat.

She was taken to the Timone hospital, and then to the Conception hospital, to undergo surgery but died of “operational shock,” Xavier Tarabeux, the city’s public prosecutor, told the media.

Grenade pellets were later found inside the flat, Tarabeux said, adding that a further autopsy is required. “At this point, we cannot establish a causal link between the injury and the death,” the prosecutor stated.

Several protest groups, including the Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes), were holding demonstrations in that part of Marseille on the day the incident.

The Yellow Vest movement started in mid-November on the heels of public outrage over rising fuel prices. Over the course of several weeks, it involved more people who vented anger at the government’s social policy, demanding to end inequality and improve living standards.

The nationwide protests became more tense, leading to violent clashes between demonstrators and police. Three people have died and hundreds more have been injured across France since the unrest began.

In the meantime, President Emmanuel Macron, who repeatedly vowed not to back down on fuel taxes, is under pressure to calm the growing upheaval. However on Monday, he held an urgent security meeting and signaled the government is ready to make some “strong gestures” to protesters.

On Tuesday, French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe announced a six-month suspension of the fuel tax rise, calling the protests “the anger of the France that works hard and struggles to make ends meet.” The measure marks a substantial U-turn in the government’s handling of the rallies and spells tactical victory for the protest movement.

#5 透明人
17/01/19 03:35


#6 暴君恐龍
17/01/19 03:35


#7 國民黨孫大砲
17/01/19 03:40



#8 知倚耳而驗
17/01/19 04:25


#9 高槻やよい老公
17/01/19 04:26

#10 九舊膠報
17/01/19 04:40




本主題共有 10 則回覆,第 1 頁。