A footnote on ASD and ADHD

#1 666
21/03/25 15:42


ASD=Mercury Intoxication=Colon Cancer

ADHD=Lead Intoxication=Dementia

Source of toxins: Soil and tap water

Note that heavy metal can form covalent compounds tha cannotbe precipitated by inorganic means. For example, you can use halogen to remove inorganic Mercury ions, but organic Mercury compounds commonly found from vaccines will still directly pass on blood vessels.

#2 666
21/03/25 15:43


ASD=Mercury Intoxication=Colon Cancer

ADHD=Lead Intoxication=Dementia

Source of toxins: Soil and tap water

Note that heavy metal can form covalent compounds tha cannotbe precipitated by inorganic means. For example, you can use halogen to remove inorganic Mercury ions, but organic Mercury compounds commonly found from vaccines will still directly pass on blood vessels.

Note that heavy metal can form covalent compounds that* cannot* be precipitated by inorganic means.

#3 666
22/03/25 01:36

ASD and ADHD cannot be cured because it is almost impossible to make organic Lead and organic Mercury inorganic. This implies that even EDTA dialysis can't help much.

We know that bile is a metabolic waste of steroids from hormone decomposition in form of cholesterols. It is an organic solvent that helps excreting fat-soluble organometallic compounds in excess. In other words, a fat autist has fewer symptoms than a thin autist due to dilution of orgaic Mercury by the fatty tissues of the former.

#4 666
22/03/25 01:40

Thanks to COVID-19 viruses, everyone has vaccinations. This implies that everyone accumulates orgaic Mercury from the vaccine preservatives since 2020. It is envisaged that autism will be a popular and global occurrence, as indicated by a sharp hit of empathy of everyone today.

Human technology is fucking up mankind.

#5 666
22/03/25 01:44

Thanks to COVID-19 viruses, everyone has vaccinations. This implies that everyone accumulates orgaic Mercury from the vaccine preservatives since 2020. It is envisaged that autism will be a popular and global occurrence, as indicated by a sharp hit of empathy of everyone today.

Human technology is fucking up mankind.

This implies that everyone accumulates organic* Mercury from the vaccine preservatives since 2020.

#6 666
22/03/25 01:47

What to do if you suspect that you get auism: Take a lot of Vitamin A, D, E and omega oils. Then you will excrete a portion of organic Mercury from your stools. Of course, if your liver have issues, the efficiency will drop.

#7 666
22/03/25 01:47

What to do if you suspect that you get auism: Take a lot of Vitamin A, D, E and omega oils. Then you will excrete a portion of organic Mercury from your stools. Of course, if your liver have issues, the efficiency will drop.

What to do if you suspect that you get autism*:

#8 666
22/03/25 01:53

For ADHD, there had been an additional source of organic Lead: gasoline containing currently banned antiknock agents. People who intake such chemicals will be passed to their offsprings in the course of sexual reproductions, making ADHD inheritable by diffusion, not genes.

#9 666
22/03/25 01:58

Deep states are telling lies that ADHD and ASD are genetic disorder, because they are spinning away a fact that the real causes come from pollutions. They manipulate mass media, gate-keeping their business that generate the culprits non-stop, and make a norm that ADHD and ASD are personal matters. I really wish these trusts drop dead.

本主題共有 9 則回覆,第 1 頁。