Proofreading Exercise

#1 Services stopped
27/02/25 14:40

Question: Rewrite the sentences inside the pic below such that it is grammatically presentable.

#2 Services stopped
27/02/25 14:46


God and ghost are duality so they co-exist once you believe in the existence of either one. A Douchebags' saying which goes "seeing is believing" does not stand water, just as oxygen molecules cannot be seen by bare eyes but they do exist.

#3 Services stopped
27/02/25 14:47


God and ghost are duality so they co-exist once you believe in the existence of either one. A Douchebags' saying which goes "seeing is believing" does not stand water, just as oxygen molecules cannot be seen by bare eyes but they do exist.

God and ghost are duality so they co-exist once you believe in the existence of either one. A Douchebags' saying which goes "seeing is believing" does not hold water, just as oxygen molecules cannot be seen by bare eyes but they do exist.

#4 Services stopped
27/02/25 14:48

Google Translate results:

神和鬼是二元性的,所以一旦你相信其中任何一個的存在,它們就會共存。 傻瓜們所說的「眼見為憑」是站不住腳的,就像氧分子肉眼看不見但確實存在一樣。

#5 Services stopped
27/02/25 15:04

Another question: Read the sentence below and polish it in English m.

50% believe there are ghosts. 50% don't believe. I believe there are ghosts.


#6 Services stopped
27/02/25 15:05

Another question: Read the sentence below and polish it in English m.

50% believe there are ghosts. 50% don't believe. I believe there are ghosts.


Another question: Read the sentence below and polish it in English conventions.

#7 Services stopped
27/02/25 15:08


Those who do not believe ghosts exist are on the left side of the bell curve, i e. IQ<100.

#8 Services stopped
27/02/25 15:16

Question: Below is a poem woven by an iBanker Google from hkGalden. Spot a grammar mistake and correct it with your own justification.

Looking through the window, crying in a pillow

Life is at a new low, no more chance to grow

Girls see me as weirdo, I have lost my ego

Dreams I used to follow, now feel so hollow

Shadows covers the rainbow, as I drown in sorrow

Each day feels borrowed, with no bright tomorrow

#9 Services stopped
27/02/25 15:17

Question: Below is a poem woven by an iBanker Google from hkGalden. Spot a grammar mistake and correct it with your own justification.

Looking through the window, crying in a pillow

Life is at a new low, no more chance to grow

Girls see me as weirdo, I have lost my ego

Dreams I used to follow, now feel so hollow

Shadows covers the rainbow, as I drown in sorrow

Each day feels borrowed, with no bright tomorrow

Question: Below is a poem woven by an iBanker Gooder from hkGalden. Spot a grammar mistake and correct it with your own justification.

#10 Services stopped
27/02/25 15:20


Notice a verse below:

Girls see me as weirdo, I have lost my ego

The item highlighted in yellow should be a noun clause rather than a complete sentence, so it should be corrected as below:

I having lost my ego

#11 Services stopped
27/02/25 18:25

Question: Given a Chinese term 有通識無常識,

a student RawDingChicken has given the English Translation as an workout:

Having Liberal Studies but no General Studies

Proofread his works.

#12 Services stopped
27/02/25 18:26

Question: Given a Chinese term 有通識無常識,

a student RawDingChicken has given the English Translation as an workout:

Having Liberal Studies but no General Studies

Proofread his works.

as an ordinary workout:


Having General Education skill set but lacking common sense

本主題共有 12 則回覆,第 1 頁。