
#1 土月
29/12/24 03:52


#2 土月
29/12/24 03:59

事緣老細11月尾話聖誕節公司唔開, 即刻搵地方去, 廢事坐屋企on99亂諗野

anywhere in the world under 1k, maybe cuba, cancun, miami, or even cruise

過兩日個親戚話有地方, 開始mon google flight to LAX

個價由8xx->9xx->11xx->13xx, 有一日見到7xx, 即刻買, 飛之前幾日睇係16xx


#3 土月
29/12/24 04:02


#4 乖乖龍地冬
29/12/24 04:06

#5 土月
29/12/24 04:11

12月頭開始plan/checklist/ask chatgpt

Los Angeles County Arboretum & Botanic Garden

the board museum/ infinite mirror room / walt disney concert

hollywood sign/ griffith park

Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens

Academy Museum of Motion Pictures

beverly hill/ Hollywood road咩咩星光大道

santa monica/ manhattan beach


downtown la/ little tokyo/ chinatown


universial studio/ disneyland

因為我住temple city無開車, 好多以上嘅地方都無諗住去, eg santa monica

#6 土月
29/12/24 04:23

dec22 morning

畀人車左去行雪山 著住兩條褲



搞完坐低睇gradiator 睇到一半 email: delay 1 hr

30min later, email: your flight is cancelled

dllm 合埋電腦同roommate講coming home now

但因為出左境無路返轉頭 成班人又畀air canada撚左廿分鐘先有方法入返境當arrival

海關張紙仔上面寫DNF aka do not flight/fly

乜鳩都無食過 坐ttc 9點先返去屋企

#7 土月
29/12/24 04:28

dllm air canada


Unfortunately, our self-assessment tool has determined that you may not be eligible for compensation.

Although it appears you are not eligible for flight disruption compensation, you may still submit expenses for further review.

Please note that situations surrounding flight disruptions can be complex and have multiple causes. The reasons provided for a flight disruption may change as the situation evolves, new issues arise, or new information is received.

Please be advised this does not constitute a claim. If you still want to file a claim, click “Claim Flight Disruption Compensation” to submit your claim.

29/12/24 05:44

#9 無明子
29/12/24 05:52


#10 土月
29/12/24 06:49



本主題共有 10 則回覆,第 1 頁。