loneliness, fate and chicks

#1 無明子
15/12/24 01:40

fate of human beings is to experience loneliness throughout their whole life. the happiest moment of a soul would be inside its mother's womb, when it is united with someone else as one. the moment a soul cries the most loudly would be the moment of birth, for it knows that it is no longer connected with someone else, that it is going through the world with itself.

for the rest of its life, it makes all of its efforts to connect with someone or something, though the efforts are doomed to be in vain. when the baby turns older, the mother pushes it away from her breast. when the child grows older, he goes to school and is seperated with his family. when he turns to be a teenage, he for the first time realizes that there is something called "loneliness". and there are two choices in front of him: false unity or true loneliness


#2 窮人唔好生仔
15/12/24 03:26

Nothing brings when you born, nothing brings along when you die.

#3 熱水味孤打
15/12/24 10:43

做愛算唔算 united with someone else as one


#4 女鬼夜行
15/12/24 16:53

題文不符 - 說好的chicks呢?

#5 管叔叔
15/12/24 20:02

1oneliness, face and dicks

#6 無明子
16/12/24 00:32

題文不符 - 說好的chicks呢?

#7 女鬼夜行
16/12/24 01:32

題文不符 - 說好的chicks呢?

本主題共有 7 則回覆,第 1 頁。