I am grateful for having what i have

#1 土月
02/10/24 01:59

I have

a mother that find me from time to time

a job even I don't have local experience

a nice boss

some friends that find me on ig in a year basis

a good roommate in the future


good shit and no more blood

#2 人欲便是天道
02/10/24 02:16

diu say chinese ar diu

#3 無明子
02/10/24 02:45


#4 热水坝
02/10/24 04:55

diu say chinese ar diu

#5 土月
02/10/24 23:36

diu say chinese ar diu

#6 土月
02/10/24 23:36

#7 窮人唔好生仔
02/10/24 23:58


#8 食紙啦你
08/10/24 10:56

Gooder roommate

#9 土月
14/11/24 03:05

#10 來簡樸地愛多80年
15/11/24 02:17

Healthy shit

本主題共有 10 則回覆,第 1 頁。