
#1 LazyMotherFucker
19/06/24 22:25

我講過,新加坡想keep住英式O-Level同A-Level共四年高中,又想學美式6年制中學學制,於是作出了一個相當愚蠢嘅決定:初中3年變兩年。這麼一來,初中讀少咗野,高中自然唔可以教得太深,唯有cut syllabus

近20年新加坡O-Level理科課程變動相當頻繁。由於Step-one並沒有代理新加坡A-Level理科參考書,因此本主題只集中講兩年制O-Level嘅Phy Chem Bio Math 同埋 AMath

#2 LazyMotherFucker
19/06/24 22:33


2003或以前嘅HKCEE, AMath係考相當多野,無記錯嘅話,前輩考AMath係要考足4粒鐘,而我2005年考時已經cut到剩下2.5小時

即係話,丙寅年生考嘅AMath, 甚至乎HKAL Pure Math, 係1994年改制後歷屆最難。部分AMath課程見到都覺得煩,所以HKEAA在2002年開始跟當年新加坡O-Level課程cut野:

1. Complex Numbers

2. Absolute Inequalities

3. Half-Angle & Triple Angle Formulae

4. Conics

5. Curve Sketching involving asymptomatic

6. Techniques of Integrations

7. Approximation by differentials

8. Shell Method

9. Mathematical Induction for inequalities

#3 LazyMotherFucker
19/06/24 22:45


2003或以前嘅HKCEE, AMath係考相當多野,無記錯嘅話,前輩考AMath係要考足4粒鐘,而我2005年考時已經cut到剩下2.5小時

即係話,丙寅年生考嘅AMath, 甚至乎HKAL Pure Math, 係1994年改制後歷屆最難。部分AMath課程見到都覺得煩,所以HKEAA在2002年開始跟當年新加坡O-Level課程cut野:

1. Complex Numbers

2. Absolute Inequalities

3. Half-Angle & Triple Angle Formulae

4. Conics

5. Curve Sketching involving asymptomatic

6. Techniques of Integrations

7. Approximation by differentials

8. Shell Method

9. Mathematical Induction for inequalities

HKCEE Math在2006年開始新增Heron's Formula, Number Systems, Transformtion of functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, Rationalization of Recurring Decimals, conditional probability, 四心,Expected Values 同埋 Simple Statistical Analysis,即係呢舊野:

同一時間,新加坡O-Level AMath 順理成章教埋 Euler's number 同埋 natural logarithm, 於是Kinematics in analytical form 同埋 simple ODE就可以喺新加坡中四教埋

今日嘅新加坡O-Level Math 部分topic係由AMath直接搬過嚟:

1. 2x2 Matrics

2. 2D Vectors

3. Real-life problems involving finance and geometry

咁AMath考咩好?當然是最無用嘅deductive geometry, 即係chord theorems嗰類80年代CE Circle 野

#4 LazyMotherFucker
19/06/24 22:45

Curve Sketching involving asymptotes

#5 LazyMotherFucker
19/06/24 22:51


新加坡教cell係深入過ce好多,而且dse未開始前新加坡已經教埋molecular genetics

不過,整體上O-Level Bio的確教少咗好多野:

1. Homeostasis

2. Health and diseases

3. Man and Microorganisms

4. Nitrogen Cycle

5. Locomotion

6. Monoculture

7. Exocrine Glands

8. Ears

9. Evolution

#6 LazyMotherFucker
19/06/24 22:59


除了Kinetic Theory同Physics重疊,基本上教嘅野唔多,以下是新加坡新制已經消失嘅topics:

1. Bleaches

2. Plastics and Detergents

3. Nitrogenous Fertilizers

4. Chemistry and Foods

5. Drugs

6. Fire Triangles and Extinguishers

7. Alloys


1. Quantitative Analysis of Complex salts

2. Electronegativity

3. Air

4. Nitrogen and its compounds

5. Sulphur and its compounds

#7 LazyMotherFucker
19/06/24 23:06



1. Momentum

2. Nuclear Physics

3. Real Gas

4. Stationary Waves

5. Moving-coil galvanometers

6. Transformers

7. Convex and Concave Mirrors

8. Stroboscopes

9. Actions at a point in electrostatics

10. Electronics


1. Pressure, Mass and Density

2. Non-electrical Magnetism

3. Dimensional Analysis

4. Units of measurements and Errors

5. Kinetic Theory of Gases

#8 LazyMotherFucker
19/06/24 23:19


今日新加坡O-Level Math 同 AMath 都有教set algebra 同Venn Diagram, 同IGCSE睇齊

#9 LazyMotherFucker
20/06/24 01:26


除了Kinetic Theory同Physics重疊,基本上教嘅野唔多,以下是新加坡新制已經消失嘅topics:

1. Bleaches

2. Plastics and Detergents

3. Nitrogenous Fertilizers

4. Chemistry and Foods

5. Drugs

6. Fire Triangles and Extinguishers

7. Alloys


1. Quantitative Analysis of Complex salts

2. Electronegativity

3. Air

4. Nitrogen and its compounds

5. Sulphur and its compounds

本主題共有 9 則回覆,第 1 頁。