Sample TEM8 Proofreading Questions

#1 Dual Chop
15/04/24 20:19


1. He is such an eat shit boss.

2. He is just a piece of cake: I killed him.

3. Don't think about sex from the get go.

4. He is just a piece of shit: I fucked him.

#2 Dual Chop
15/04/24 20:21


1. eat shit --> eat-shit (As an adjective)

2. cake --> shit (=rubbish)

3. get go --> get-go (From the beginning)

4. shit --> meat (= A gay ass-fuckable)

#3 Dual Chop
15/04/24 20:23

A piece of meat 即係動漫迷口中嘅肉便器

#4 Dual Chop
15/04/24 20:27

TEM8大概就係HKASL Use of English嘅閹割版

好明顯英文系學生係唔需要識所謂嘅 integrated skills 同 practical skills, 反而需要翻譯、文學、文化和語言學知識。HKU由1989年開始一直行錯路,導致下一代愈來愈有通識無常識,可恥

本主題共有 4 則回覆,第 1 頁。