
#1 EMC
29/12/23 00:19


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2. 此POST收納不在坊間常見嘅字,每隻字要解釋請自行查字典。唔建議查中文解釋,最好喺英英字典睇完英文解釋連例句,先好再望作者寫嘅例句。學到啲字唔用就好快唔記得哂,因此作者唔建議背生字,反而應著重理解字義

#2 EMC
29/12/23 00:23

General Template:


[WORD] (Part of speech)

[Exemplary sentence]


#3 EMC
29/12/23 00:25

Canon (countable noun)

The very first canon of moderating an online forum is not to feed the trolls.

#4 EMC
29/12/23 00:30

Squad (countable noun)

A fraud squad is investigating whether Chaaaaaaa is dishonestly claiming comprehensive social security allowance as his limbs obviously are up and running.

#5 EMC
29/12/23 00:33

Predicate (verb)

A successful education reform is predicated on equitable resource allocations for schooling.

#6 EMC
29/12/23 00:35

Homicidal (adjective)

If you feed your dogs on uncooked meats, they will end up being homicidal.

#7 EMC
29/12/23 00:38

Covenant (countable noun)

Corporate covenants on work ethics are usually ignored by post-1990s generations.

#8 EMC
29/12/23 00:40

Vogue (singular noun)

The vogue for ketogenic diets is rocketing the death trolls of city-dwellers for liver failures.

#9 EMC
29/12/23 00:44

Vogue (singular noun)

The vogue for ketogenic diets is rocketing the death trolls of city-dwellers for liver failures.

The vogue for ketogenic diets is rocketing the death toll of city-dwellers for liver failures.

#10 EMC
29/12/23 00:46

Coddle (verb)

To coddle kids is tatamount to strangling their maturity.

#11 EMC
29/12/23 00:49

Whirlpool (countable noun)

Social media have created a whirlpool of online nudism.

#12 EMC
29/12/23 00:51

kin (Plural noun)

We visit kin of our fathers and mothers during lunar new year holidays.

#13 EMC
29/12/23 00:52

servile (adjactive)

He is servile to a tyrant, which is ridiculus.

#14 EMC
29/12/23 00:54

inculcate (verb)

BL mangas inculcate homosexuality in less informed gals.

#15 EMC
29/12/23 00:55

Smock (noun)

#16 EMC
29/12/23 00:57



#17 EMC
29/12/23 01:10

Coddle (verb)

To coddle kids is tatamount to strangling their maturity.

To coddle kids is tantamount to strangling their maturity.

#18 EMC
29/12/23 01:13

Vogue (singular noun)

The vogue for ketogenic diets is rocketing the death trolls of city-dwellers for liver failures.

The vogue for ketogenic diets is rocketing the death toll of city-dwellers for liver failures.

呢度用 rocketing 似乎不太合適,


可改作 leveling up

#19 EMC
29/12/23 17:26




#20 EMC
29/12/23 17:27

如果真係對呢啲與IELTS, TOEFL唔同風格嘅生字有興趣,可以自行搵SSAT Word List慢慢學

本主題共有 20 則回覆,第 1 頁。