Ctrl + V

#1 我要咬老綜
17/11/18 07:11


#2 我要咬老綜
25/11/18 14:16


#3 我要咬老綜
25/11/18 14:17

#4 仇音
25/11/18 14:21


#5 我要咬老綜
10/01/19 01:45


#6 我要咬老綜
10/01/19 01:53


#7 我要咬老綜
18/01/19 08:23


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#8 我要咬老綜
03/06/19 05:46

A CV starts with full names, address, telephone number and sho ws your date of birth prominently. It is helpful to show your age as well, to save the reader the trouble of doing the arithmetic himself. “Marital status” comes next, followed by “Education” and it is here that errors are made – it is no use listing CSE or O Level results without also giving the grades.

The names, addresses and telephone numbers of two referees must be provided with a brief explanation of why you offer them (if this is not obvious). This is important, because in deciding whom to interview out of a mass of applicants, the employer may well telephone a referee.

Hobbies and outside interests must be stated, because employers like to know a little more about an applicant than just his or her qualifications. Care must be used in listing hobbies, to make sure that the list is entirely honest – awkward questions may be asked about unusual ones, which might be unanswerable.

A CV should be on good quality paper, with wide margins, clear headings and well spaced out, for easy and speedy reading. The covering letter should be brief. There is a division of opinion about whether it is better handwritten or typed. If your handwriting is good, write your covering letter; if it is not, type it. Your covering letter should explain why you want the job and why you consider you are particularly suitable for it. A job application is not the place for modesty – it is the time to sell yourself – and your letter should be forceful enough to make an employer consider you at least worth interviewing.

03/06/19 07:02


#10 怨嗟の鬼
03/06/19 07:03


#11 高槻やよい老公
03/06/19 07:06

Ctrl v無野

#12 國民黨孫大砲
03/06/19 07:13


#13 Lydia
04/06/19 08:02


#14 熱水管
04/06/19 08:16

#15 我要咬老綜
26/06/19 06:19

Exercise 13

Alpine strawberries are very pretty plants. Everything about them is small — the bright green leaves, and the flowers like daisies. This makes them ideal for growing in pots or in window boxes. They make a picture when they are in full bloom, and the fruit is delicious. The berries are quite tiny, but a small handful of them to a portion of jelly or blancmange, and a little ice cream or top of the milk, make up a quick and easily prepared dessert.

Strokes Words 63 13 125 25 191 38 257 51 319 64 385 77 451 90 460 92

The seeds for growing are easily obtainable from garden shops, 525 105 and you will need a small bag of seed-growing compost, which will 591 118 get the plants off to a good beginning. It is advisable to buy 656 131 also a slightly larger bag of compost, to have in readiness for 720 144 the moment when the plants need transplanting. Seeds sown in 783 157 April will be in bloom in June, and the first fruits should be 848 170 ready in July. They will then continue fruiting right through 913 183 to the early frosts. Sometimes you can gather fruit in December, 981 196 and somehow or other these extra late ones seem to be even more 1045 209 tasty. 1052 210

A window box is a suitable place for planting, and there will be 1119 224 room in it for other things too; or a five-inch pot can be used, 1184 237 standing on an outer window ledge. It does not really matter if 1250 250 the location is not particularly sunny. A shady spot is all 1312 262 right, and will in fact help to keep the roots sufficiently moist 1378 276 in very warm weather. Plenty of drainage holes are needed in 1441 288 whatever container is used. 1469 294

When the fruit is ready to pick, it should be collected every 1533 30-i day, and if there is only a small amount to pick, it can be put 1597 31 nto a freezer bag, and then a little later the contents can be 1661 3: sed for the first batch of jam, adding the juice from a couple 1725 3 lemons, and less than a pound of sugar for every pound of 1786 -awberries. The alpines are low in pectin, so it is possible 1851 t not every batch will set well, but there are various uses 1914 the resulting rather runny jam. The alternative is to boil 1979 fixture up again. 2001

#16 我要咬老綜
26/06/19 06:26

Alpine strawberries are very pretty plants. Everything about them is small — the bright green leaves, and the flowers like daisies. This makes them ideal for growing in pots or in window boxes. They make a picture when they are in full bloom, and the fruit is delicious. The berries are quite tiny, but a small handful of them to a portion of jelly or blancmange, and a little ice cream or top of the milk, make up a quick and easily prepared dessert.

The seeds for growing are easily obtainable from garden shops, and you will need a small bag of seed-growing compost, which will get the plants off to a good beginning. It is advisable to buy also a slightly larger bag of compost, to have in readiness for the moment when the plants need transplanting. Seeds sown in April will be in bloom in June, and the first fruits should be ready in July. They will then continue fruiting right through to the early frosts. Sometimes you can gather fruit in December, and somehow or other these extra late ones seem to be even more tasty.

A window box is a suitable place for planting, and there will be room in it for other things too; or a five-inch pot can be used, standing on an outer window ledge. It does not really matter if the location is not particularly sunny. A shady spot is all right, and will in fact help to keep the roots sufficiently moist in very warm weather. Plenty of drainage holes are needed in whatever container is used.

When the fruit is ready to pick, it should be collected every day, and if there is only a small amount to pick, it can be put into a freezer bag, and then a little later the contents can be used for the first batch of jam, adding the juice from a couple lemons, and less than a pound of sugar for every pound of strawberries. The alpines are low in pectin, so it is possible that not every batch will set well, but there are various uses the resulting rather runny jam. The alternative is to boil fixture up again.

#17 笨忍實
26/06/19 06:38


#18 怨嗟の鬼
26/06/19 07:19


#19 怨嗟の鬼
26/06/19 07:19



#20 笨忍實
26/06/19 07:44




#21 郊登護理員
26/06/19 07:56


#22 偶像都係我老婆
26/06/19 07:56


#23 怨嗟の鬼
26/06/19 07:57





#24 高槻やよい老公
26/06/19 08:33


#25 我要咬老綜
04/07/19 05:37

Exercise 15

Strokes Words On the advice of a salesman, a friend of mine prepared for 59 12 the visit of a prospective buyer of her house by curling 116 23 up with a calf-bound book, a glass of Napoleon brandy, and 176 35 her video flickering in an alcove. The strategy was to sell 238 48 not just a house, but an image of affluence. In this case 298 60 it did not succeed, but it is a principle that builders 354 71 apply with their show-houses. If you are thinking of buying 416 83 a house on a new estate, be on your guard against the 470 94 seductive comforts set up by professionals to temp you. 527 105

Before entering a show-house, take a walk through the 583 117 development to get an impression of what the site will look 643 129 like when it is finished. If the site looks tidy and 698 140 organized, the rest of the project will probably be well- 756 151 managed too. The brickwork of the show-house should be even, 819 164 clean and free from mortar chippings; the seals round the 877 175 windows should be intact; and the exterior paintwork even. 936 187 Look closely at the roof. Are the tiles sound and evenly laid? 1003 201 Are the flashings round dormer windows and chimneys well 1061 212 trimmed? Test windows and doors to see if they open smoothly 1125 225 and are not liable to scrape and rattle or create a draught. 1186 237

In the kitchen pay particular attention to the units. Are they 1253 25' sturdy and securely fitted? Check the depth of the work 1312 26 surfaces and be sure they match your domestic appliances. Make 1377 2- sure the plumbing is tidy, and that extra water supplies for 1438 2 items such as a dishwasher can be fitted. Note the extent of 1501 built-in storage space and fitted wardrobes, as these can be of 1565 great value in terms of cost and convenience. Look out for 1626 insulation extras which help to keep down fuel bills. 1680

When you leave the show-house, look inside a similar empty 1740 house. It will give you a different perspective on the space 1803 available, and a second chance to check the standards of 1860 workmanship. You may be more critical of finish in a house 1921 vhere you are not distracted by pretty curtains, deep-pile 1981 arpets — and that alluring atmosphere that the builder has 204 ied to create. 20!

#26 怨嗟の鬼
04/07/19 06:12


#27 我要咬老綜
04/07/19 06:56

Strokes Words On the advice of a salesman, a friend of mine prepared for the visit of a prospective buyer of her house by curling up with a calf-bound book, a glass of Napoleon brandy, and her video flickering in an alcove. The strategy was to sell not just a house, but an image of affluence. In this case it did not succeed, but it is a principle that builders apply with their show-houses. If you are thinking of buying a house on a new estate, be on your guard against the seductive comforts set up by professionals to temp you.

Before entering a show-house, take a walk through the development to get an impression of what the site will look like when it is finished. If the site looks tidy and organized, the rest of the project will probably be well- managed too. The brickwork of the show-house should be even, clean and free from mortar chippings; the seals round the windows should be intact; and the exterior paintwork even. Look closely at the roof. Are the tiles sound and evenly laid? Are the flashings round dormer windows and chimneys well trimmed? Test windows and doors to see if they open smoothly and are not liable to scrape and rattle or create a draught.

In the kitchen pay particular attention to the units. Are they sturdy and securely fitted? Check the depth of the work surfaces and be sure they match your domestic appliances. Make sure the plumbing is tidy, and that extra water supplies for items such as a dishwasher can be fitted. Note the extent of built-in storage space and fitted wardrobes, as these can be of great value in terms of cost and convenience. Look out for insulation extras which help to keep down fuel bills.

When you leave the show-house, look inside a similar empty house. It will give you a different perspective on the space available, and a second chance to check the standards of workmanship. You may be more critical of finish in a house where you are not distracted by pretty curtains, deep-pile carpets — and that alluring atmosphere that the builder has tried to create.

#28 高槻やよい老公
04/07/19 07:16


#29 記你老鼠
04/07/19 08:42


#30 我要咬老綜
11/07/19 05:52



以人工似的,一丈以內,絕無旁波:它所有的丫枝呢,一律向上,而且緊緊靠攏,也像 是加以人工似的,成為一束,絕無戍斜逸出:它的寬大的葉子也是片片向上,幾乎沒有 斜生的,更不用說倒垂了:它的皮,光滑而有銀色的暈圈,微微泛出淡青色。這是雖在 北方的風雪的壓迫下卻保持首倔強挺立的一種樹!哪怕祇有碗來粗細罷,它卻努力向上 發展,高到丈許,兩丈,參天聳立,不折不撓,對抗看西北風。


它沒有婆娑的姿態,沒有屈曲盤旋的虫L枝,也許你要說它不美麗,—如果美是專 指「婆娑:或「橫斜逸出」之類而言,那麼,白楊樹算不得樹中的好女子;但是它卻是 偉岸、正直、樸質、嚴肅,也不缺乏溫和,更不用提它的堅強不屈與挺拔,它是樹中的 偉丈夫!當你在積雪初融的高原上走過,看見平坦的大地上傲然挺立這麼一株或一排白 楊樹,難道你就祇覺得樹祇是樹,難道你就不想到它的樸質、嚴肅、堅強不屈,至少也 象徵了北方的農民;難道你竟一點兒也不聯想到,在敵後的廣大土地上,到處有堅強不 屈,就像這白楊樹一樣傲然挺立的守衛他們家鄉的哨兵!難道你又不更遠一點想到這樣 枝枝葉葉靠緊團結,力求上進的白楊樹,宛然象徵了今天在華北平原縱橫決蕩用血寫出 新中國歷史的那種精神和意志。

節選自莖直白盪禮蠶 (568字)

#31 劣食牛
11/07/19 05:56


#32 我要咬老綜
11/07/19 06:08


我常常遺憾我家門前那塊餽石:它黑黝黝地臥在那裘,牛似的模樣;誰也不知道是 什麼時候留在這裹的,誰也不去理會它。衹是麥收時節,門前攤了麥子,奶奶總是說: 這塊醜石,多佔地面呀,抽空把它搬走吧。

它不像漢白玉那樣的細膩,可以刻字雕花,也不像大青石那樣光滑,可以供菊完紗 捶布。它靜靜地臥在那裹,院邊的槐陰沒有庇覆它,花兒也不在再在它身邊生長。荒草 便繁衍出來,枝蔓上下,慢慢地,它竟誘上了綠苔、黑斑。我們這些做孩子的∼也討厭 起它來,曾合夥要搬走它,但力氣又不足:雖時時咒罵它,嫌棄它,也無何奈何,祇好 任它留在那裹了。


眼光立即就拉直了。他再沒有離開,就住了下來;以後又來了好些人,都說這是一園頃 石,從天上落下來已經有二三百年了,是一件了不起的東西。不久便來了車,小心翼翼 地將它運走了。

這使我們都很驚奇,這又怪又醜的石頭,原來是天上的啊!它補過天,在天上發過 熱、閃過光,我們的先祖或許仰望過它,它給了他們光明、向往、J憧憬;而它落下來了, 在污土裹,荒草裹,一躺就是幾百年了!



節選自登挫遭霾 (532字)

#33 怨嗟の鬼
11/07/19 06:14


#34 我要咬老綜
16/07/19 05:43

Exercise 17

Strokes Words The laser beam is a space-age supertool — the magic torch with a 65 13 host of diverse functions. Nowhere is its potential more far- 129 26 reaching than in the field of medicine, where it has streamlined 194 39 surgery and inspired new treatments for many ills. But how does it 263 53 work? Unlike ordinary light, which is made up of different wave- 331 66 lengths that shift at random, laser light is composed of just one 397 79 frequency. Its light waves are aligned in tight parallel lines 462 92 which move as a single pulse in one direction only. That is why 528 106 an 8-watt argon laser is able to produce energy a thousand times 593 119 as strong as the sun, its beam so minutely focused that it can 656 131 pinpoint a single blood cell and punch seven holes in it. 714 143 Since laser light must first be absorbed, its use in medicine is 781 156 largely dictated by wavelength. For instance, the blue-green beam 849 170 of the argon laser will pass straight through tissue that has no 914 183 pigment, and be absorbed by the red blood cells. So it is ideal 980 196 for treating tumours, bleaching birthmarks or punching a hole in 1045 209 the iris of a person with glaucoma. The stronger infra-red laser 1112 222 will stem deep-seated bleeding and break up kidney stones, or kill 1179 236 some cancers; but since its beam is not visible, it must first be 1245 249 mounted on an 'aiming beam' to spotlight its target. 1300 260

The carbon dioxide 'laser knife' has an invisible beam too, but its 1372 274 frequency is absorbed by all tissues. It can replace a scalpel. A 1442 288 laser knife can cut and seal off human tissue in a fraction of the 1509 302 time and trauma involved in traditional surgery. There is no risk 1577 315 of infection as the laser sterilises the tissues and does not need 1644 329 a general anaesthetic. Since there is no incision, stitches and 1710 342 scars could well become a thing of the past. And the laser is so 1777 255 accurate that only the affected points are treated: there is no 1842 368 risk to the healthy surrounding parts. 1881 376

Plastic surgeons and ear, nose and throat specialists have welcomed 1951 390 the laser. The one-time fiddly business of removing lumps, bumps, 2019 404 blemishes and growths becomes simple in the hands of the experts. 2085 417 Since treatment takes just a few minutes, many more patients can be 2154 431 reated in the same time than by former methods. 2203 441

#35 我要咬老綜
17/07/19 01:43

Exercise 17

The laser beam is a space-age supertool – the magic torch with a host of diverse functions. Nowhere is its potential more far-reaching than in the field of medicine, where it has streamlined surgery and inspired new treatments for many ills. But how does it work? Unlike ordinary light, which is made up of different wave- lengths that shift at random, laser light is composed of just one frequency. Its light waves are aligned in tight parallel lines which move as a single pulse in one direction only. That is why an 8-watt argon laser is able to produce energy a thousand times as strong as the sun, its beam so minutely focused that it can pinpoint a single blood cell and punch seven holes in it.

Since laser light must first be absorbed, its use in medicine is largely dictated by wavelength. For instance, the blue-green beam of the argon laser will pass straight through tissue that has no pigment, and be absorbed by the red blood cells. So it is ideal for treating tumours, bleaching birthmarks or punching a hole in the iris of a person with glaucoma. The stronger infra-red laser will stem deep-seated bleeding and break up kidney stones, or some cancers; but since its beam is not visible, it must first be mounted on an 'aiming beam' to spotlight its target.

The carbon dioxide 'laser knife' has an invisible beam too, but its frequency is absorbed by all tissues. It can replace a scalpel. A laser knife can cut and seal off human tissue in a fraction of the time and trauma involved in traditional surgery. There is no risk of infection as the laser sterilises the tissues and does not need a general anaesthetic. Since there is no incision, stitches and scars could well become a thing of the past. And the laser is so accurate that only the affected points are treated: there is no risk to the healthy surrounding parts.

Plastic surgeons and ear, nose and throat specialists have welcomed the laser. The one-time fiddly business of removing lumps, bumps, blemishes and growths becomes simple in the hands of the experts. Since treatment takes just a few minutes, many more patients can be treated in the same time than by former methods.

#36 我要咬老綜
28/10/19 06:13

Exercise 20

In England and Wales arrest may be made with or without a warrant issued by a magistrate. An arrested person is entitled to ask the police to notify a named person, such as a relative or a solicitor, about the arrest. The police may delay notification in the interests of the investigation, prevention of crime or apprehension of offenders and may question an arrested person in custody, so long as he or she has not been charged with the offence of informed that he or she may be prosecuted for it. Answers to such questions are admissible as evidence in any subsequent proceedings, provided that they have been given voluntarily.

Guidance on the questioning of arrested persons is contained in the Judges' Rules and Administrative Directions to the Police; although these do not have the force of law, the police are required to comply with them.

The Judges' Rules also require the police to caution an arrested person before charging him or her. Once a person has been charged with an offence, the police may not ask further questions, except in exceptional circumstances, to prevent or minimise harm or loss to some other person or to the public or to clear up an ambiguity in a previous answer or statement.

If the police decide not to charge the arrested person (for example, because of insufficient evidence) he or she may be released immediately. Alternatively, the police may decide to release the person and proceed by way of summons, or to issue a caution (reprimand). If the police need to make further inquiries they may release the arrested person on bail to return to the police station, where he or she may be charged on reappearance.

Anyone arrested without a warrant must be released by the police on bail if he or she cannot be brought before a magistrates' court within 24 hours, unless the alleged offence is serious. If detained in custody, the defendant must he brought before a magistrates' court as soon as practicable. On appearance before a magistrates' court, a defendant charged with an imprisonable offence may be refused bail in certain specified circumstances only, the most important being substantial grounds for believing that he or she might abscond, commit further offence or otherwise interfere with the course of justice. If bail is refused, the defendant can apply to a judge of the High Court and, if committed to the Crown Court, may apply for bail to that court. The majority of people remanded by magistrates are given bail.

A person who thinks that the grounds for detention are unlawful may apply to the High Court for a writ of habeas corpus against the person who detained him or her, requiring the person to appear before the court to justify the detention. An application for this writ is normally made by the person detained or by someone acting on his or her behalf, Similar procedures apply in Northern Ireland.

#37 怨嗟の鬼
28/10/19 06:51

Pension am Heusteig

#38 我要咬老綜
04/11/19 08:10


The software packages that are advertised in computer magazines and sold in specialist shops are examples of applications software. They are ready-made programs written to cover certain requirements that a user may have.

Some of these software packages are more suitable for business use and others are for home and recreational purposes. Listed in the columns below are the categories of software that are available for most makes of machine.


Accounts Communication

Databases Educational

Desk Top Publishing Games

Graphics (Graphs) Graphics (Art)

Spreadsheets Programming

Word Processors Word Processors

Obviously, some of the software listed under home use may be useful if you are running a business. The two categories should be taken only as a general guide.

#39 我要咬老綜
05/11/19 03:30


A spreadsheet is useful for helping businesses or individuals to analyse the

financial benefits of a situation or course of action. A spreadsheet is so called

because it allows a firm to spread out its accounts on a sheet of paper. It can

automatically do any calculations that are necessary, so that the user can

immediately see how profitable any decision will be.

Here is a list of some of the most popular spreadsheets available, the name of

their Software House and their price.

Name Software House Price

Quickcalc Engsoft $580

Multicost New Systems $720

Pocket Calc Micrsstar $460

First Costing Datasoft $650

Spreadsheets can be used for many purposes. For example, a firm could use

one to calculate its income and expenditure in order to see if the business was

making a profit or not. It could be used to compare the costs of buying

equipment or leasing it, or it could be used to forecast the profit on an

investment which was being planned. The range of possibilities for

spreadsheets is almost limitless.

#40 我要咬老綜
05/11/19 05:22


Very often you will find that you have work which contains abbreviations. A

lull stop will indicate abbreviated words. You will be expected to know how to

spell these words correctly and to enter them in full. Sometimes, when an

abbreviation had two meanings, you will have to read the text carefully in order

to make the right choice of word.

Abbreviation Correct spelling Abbreviation Correct spelling


Mon. Monday Fri. Friday

Tues. Tuesday Sat. Saturday

Wed. Wednesday Sun. Sunday

Thurs. Thursday


Jan. January Sept. September

Feb. February Oct. October

Aug. August Nov. November

Dec. December


Ave. Avenue St. Street

Cres. Crescent Dr. Dear

Dr. Drive Yrs. ffly. Yours faithfully

Rd. Road Yrs. scly Yours sincerely

In correspondence, especially when it is handwritten, it is very common for

words to be abbreviated, and you must make sure you recognize these

abbreviations and can spell the words correctly in full.

#41 我要咬老綜
05/11/19 06:01

Date as postmark

Dear Customer

We are happy to bring to your attention the new graphics packages we have in

stock which will run on your computer.

As you are no doubt aware, there are three types of graphics package available:

art, graph plotting and technical drawing. We list below the new packages we

now stock in each category.


Master Draw Plot Plan Technipad

Micro Art Digital Graph Technical Power

Electric Art Master Graph Designer

Enclosed is an order form and price list, but do contact us if you require further

information before you order.

Yours sincerely

#42 我要咬老綜
05/11/19 06:15


The simplest type of database is like a card index filing system. It stores all

the items you may have in your address book or in a card index, so that you can

look them up easily.

More elaborate databases are programmable, and allow you to analyse the data

in the system. This means that you could, for example, work out how much

money is owing from your customers, or how many of them live in the London

area. Some examples of databases are given below.

Name Software House Comments

Alpha File Comsoft Good Value

Business Base Infosoft Comprehensive

Index Plus Office Software Powerful

Pocket Card Micro World Easy to Use

Many firms could do and use computerized databases. Estate agents often u<

them to list their properties for sale so they can deal with requests from

house-hunters. Travel agents list the availability of package tours and flighl

for the holiday-maker. These are but a few examples where databases are v

in business.

#43 我要咬老綜
05/11/19 06:25


A spreadsheet is useful for helping businesses or individuals to analyse the

financial benefits of a situation or course of action. A spreadsheet is so called

because it allows a firm to spread out its accounts on a sheet of paper. It can

automatically do any calculations that are necessary, so that the user can

immediately see how profitable any decision will be.

Here is a list of some of the most popular spreadsheets available, the name of

their Software House and their price.

Name Software House Price

Quickcalc Engsoft $580

Multicost New Systems $720

Pocket Calc Micrsstar $460

First Costing Datasoft $650

Spreadsheets can be used for many purposes. For example, a firm could use

one to calculate its income and expenditure in order to see if the business was

making a profit or not. It could be used to compare the costs of buying

equipment or leasing it, or it could be used to forecast the profit on an

investment which was being planned. The range of possibilities for

spreadsheets is almost limitless.

#44 TGB
23/11/19 06:20

【零食食評】KFGExcellent 北海道泡菜薯片

#45 我要咬老綜
28/11/19 03:42


#46 777接班人
29/11/19 10:37

#47 777接班人
30/11/19 14:04

#48 777接班人
14/12/19 05:21

#49 777接班人
16/12/19 04:18



- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

#50 777接班人
05/01/20 04:51

本主題共有 211 則回覆,第 1 頁。