
#1 Armageddon
12/08/20 07:06

陳雲:驚天大消息,陳雲第一手轉達。香港工業回歸祖國,Made in Hong Kong 的label從此消失。特朗普日前取消了香港的獨立關稅區地位之後,正式下令香港製造=中國製造!以後香港貨進入美國,必須標明是Made in China.


彭博新聞社引述美國政府文件指出,美國當局將下令所有從香港入口的貨物,必須標示為「中國製造」(「Made in China」),以明確展示其原產中國的事實。該報道稱,該指示將於日內在「美國聯邦公布」(U.S. Federal Register)刊出,並會在其後45日生效。

一百多年歷史的Made in Hong Kong的香港工業品牌,從此告別江湖。

//The notice is set to be published in the U.S. Federal Register on Aug. 11 and says that goods produced in Hong Kong and imported into the U.S. must be marked to indicate their origin is China. This will begin 45 days after the date of publication in the register.

The actual impact of the new rules on Hong Kong’s trade or economy will likely be limited as there are few direct exports from the city to the U.S. The vast majority of the city’s shipments to the U.S. consist of re-exports, or goods passing through its territory with no substantial modifications.

Of Hong Kong’s roughly HK$304 billion ($39 billion) in exports to the U.S. last year, only about 1.2% were domestic exports, according to data from the Census and Statistics Department Hong Kong. Almost 80% was re-exports from China to the U.S.//

#2 Armageddon
12/08/20 07:07


本主題共有 2 則回覆,第 1 頁。