I create the project to kill time.
The project will be paused when I am on leave.

wu Sir 有無考慮讀個part time
wu Sir 有無考慮讀個part time
讀完 OU distant learning 咪一樣做番保安
我最喜愛的 sociology 讀完都係要乞食
我不如繼續我自己的 promotion prospect,
又或者儲夠本玩 joint venture 好過

One shoud value the power of discourse.
One shoud value the power of discourse.
The project winds up due to low popularity.

The project winds up due to low popularity.
The project winds up due to low popularity.
Haters continue to conjecture about my personality.
They never read my works.
The project winds up due to low popularity.
Wordpress file host is stupid, so I have changed the host.
Now the project is open-source.
The project winds up due to low popularity.
Wordpress file host is stupid, so I have changed the host.
Now the project is open-source.
Wordpress file host is stupid, so I have changed the host.
Now the project is open-source.
Now lectures are updated up to Ch. 20.
The project is shut down
無人睇的 project, 整嚟都晒時間
本來想開新 Chapter 講動漫
不過見到班動漫迷咁腐敗, 真係整都費鳩事

Wordpress file host is stupid, so I have changed the host.
Now the project is open-source.
Now lectures are updated up to Ch. 20.
404喎保安 點做野?
Now lectures are updated up to Ch. 20.
404喎保安 點做野?
自己 down 飽佢
我唔會再 update
Now lectures are updated up to Ch. 20.
404喎保安 點做野?
自己 down 飽佢
我唔會再 update
無論我再努力, 班 MK 都一樣屈我認叻想徹底否定我
Check point:
A MK university student claims that if a father and a mother are pure MK.
Will their offsprings are 100% MK as well?
Check point:
A MK university student claims that if a father and a mother are pure MK.
Will their offsprings are 100% MK as well?
We should know that in a female,
we have 2 X chromosomes,
and only one of them will be expressed.
This is called redundancy protection
So Otaku existence is determined by his mother,
while his mother have 50% chance that her otaku character is not expressed.
(And by definition of MK, the chance is actually 100%)
Check point:
A MK university student claims that if a father and a mother are pure MK.
Will their offsprings are 100% MK as well?
We should know that in a female,
we have 2 X chromosomes,
and only one of them will be expressed.
This is called redundancy protection
So Otaku existence is determined by his mother,
while his mother have 50% chance that her otaku character is not expressed.
(And by definition of MK, the chance is actually 100%)
I rewrite the question:
A MK university student claims that if a father and a mother are pure MK, their offsprings will be 100% MK as well. Show that this claim is false.
Check point:
A MK university student claims that if a father and a mother are pure MK.
Will their offsprings are 100% MK as well?
We should know that in a female,
we have 2 X chromosomes,
and only one of them will be expressed.
This is called redundancy protection
So Otaku existence is determined by his mother,
while his mother have 50% chance that her otaku character is not expressed.
(And by definition of MK, the chance is actually 100%)
I rewrite the question:
A MK university student claims that if a father and a mother are pure MK, their offsprings will be 100% MK as well. Show that this claim is false.
It is genetically FALSE to say that a couple of MK parent will breed 100% MK.
Otaku existence is simply a genetic expression.
I hear that even university students will make wrong concepts on this.
It seems that under DSE, candidate's common sense is regressing.

你都係u grad,好mk
你都係u grad,好mk
Otakus is not MK but can act MK.
Please revise Ch.7&8 then.