I am sorry for not able to change the mindset of all douchebags.
(Try proofread above)

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where is the proof, douche?
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Simulacra 又叫含沙射影, 係文學批評常見字眼
MK 從來唔後悔壓迫他人
準確 D 來說, 佢地根本無道德

烏sir從來唔後悔出on9 post比人撚
烏sir從來唔後悔出on9 post比人撚
You is MK.
MK does not possess empathy.
They know merely infotainment.
MK does not possess empathy.
They know merely infotainment.
I have experienced how mean the yellow ribbons are.
They force me to be a blue ribbon.
MK does not possess empathy.
They know merely infotainment.
I have experienced how mean the yellow ribbons are.
They force me to be a blue ribbon.
Even in the world of blue ribbons,
most of them are still MK directing against me.
I feel that I am just an outlier in the world.
No one will understand me,
and most of them will keep on depriving me of interests.
Fuck the world.
MK does not possess empathy.
They know merely infotainment.
I have experienced how mean the yellow ribbons are.
They force me to be a blue ribbon.
Even in the world of blue ribbons,
most of them are still MK directing against me.
I feel that I am just an outlier in the world.
No one will understand me,
and most of them will keep on depriving me of interests.
Fuck the world.
They want me die.
But I fear death.
I need to show up my strength so that the world won't abandon me.
However mean they are, I won't give up.
They jeer at my failures, so I must work out to succeed.
I must tell the world that I am not stupid.
It is the MK who are really stupid.
The world is lacking humanity.
All the youth are brainwashed by ACG and other sorts of popular culture.
They don't know that the senile generations invent these stuff to erode their conscious.
I have a role to remedy them.
That's why I invest on education.
I won't allow anymore MK who wanna take advantages on them.
The world is lacking humanity.
All the youth are brainwashed by ACG and other sorts of popular culture.
They don't know that the senile generations invent these stuff to erode their conscious.
I have a role to remedy them.
That's why I invest on education.
I won't allow anymore MK who wanna take advantages on them.
The first thing the youth should do is focusing on ethics about work and study.
They play because they don't understand MK wanna control their mindset to profit for a generation or two.
They have no ambitions at work because they don't understand the duel between bourgeoisie and prolateriat is not only eternal but unversal in all walks of life.
They have no morality in the course of study because MK manipulate education system such that the graduatess are virtueless, i.e. leading to complete exam machines that offer cheap laboring such that neoliberalist corporations (e.g. The US Trusts controlling the senate) can fool them all the time.
MK choose to attack me because I am harming their vested interests.
If the youth choose to attack me, they will get lost soon.
I wholeheartly urge all hkGaldeners to wake up before it is too late.
Liberal Studies in HK is NOT Liberal Arts at all.
The students are merely trained to be argumentative instead of reflective.
MK from senile generations invents IES to train project management without cost such that corporations can save the onsite training costs. DSE students are all fooled by such an examination system.
I work on exam papers but I won't participate in it, otherwise I am admiting that these stupid systems are legit. Examination is arbitrary in nature, and I hate so-called progressive education, esepcially continuously assessments claiming that it is effective. These stupid stuff are invented by US colleges such that the workload of both students and teachers are so huge. US wanna phase out UK education, and they invented IBDP to fight GCE. In UK, you can skip all lessons and take once-and-for-all final exam such that HongKongers can use less than $60K HKD to earn an LLB degree directly. US trusts wanna promote expenditures on progressive education so that they can profit while making ug gradates indebted with tuition fees.
We must understand how US is hideous instead of glorifying these insidious state.
Liberal Studies in HK is NOT Liberal Arts at all.
The students are merely trained to be argumentative instead of reflective.
MK from senile generations invents IES to train project management without cost such that corporations can save the onsite training costs. DSE students are all fooled by such an examination system.
I work on exam papers but I won't participate in it, otherwise I am admiting that these stupid systems are legit. Examination is arbitrary in nature, and I hate so-called progressive education, esepcially continuously assessments claiming that it is effective. These stupid stuff are invented by US colleges such that the workload of both students and teachers are so huge. US wanna phase out UK education, and they invented IBDP to fight GCE. In UK, you can skip all lessons and take once-and-for-all final exam such that HongKongers can use less than $60K HKD to earn an LLB degree directly. US trusts wanna promote expenditures on progressive education so that they can profit while making ug gradates indebted with tuition fees.
We must understand how US is hideous instead of glorifying these insidious state.
continuous* assessments
Liberal Studies in HK is NOT Liberal Arts at all.
The students are merely trained to be argumentative instead of reflective.
MK from senile generations invents IES to train project management without cost such that corporations can save the onsite training costs. DSE students are all fooled by such an examination system.
I work on exam papers but I won't participate in it, otherwise I am admiting that these stupid systems are legit. Examination is arbitrary in nature, and I hate so-called progressive education, esepcially continuously assessments claiming that it is effective. These stupid stuff are invented by US colleges such that the workload of both students and teachers are so huge. US wanna phase out UK education, and they invented IBDP to fight GCE. In UK, you can skip all lessons and take once-and-for-all final exam such that HongKongers can use less than $60K HKD to earn an LLB degree directly. US trusts wanna promote expenditures on progressive education so that they can profit while making ug gradates indebted with tuition fees.
We must understand how US is hideous instead of glorifying these insidious state.
ug level graduates*
Liberal Studies in HK is NOT Liberal Arts at all.
The students are merely trained to be argumentative instead of reflective.
MK from senile generations invents IES to train project management without cost such that corporations can save the onsite training costs. DSE students are all fooled by such an examination system.
I work on exam papers but I won't participate in it, otherwise I am admiting that these stupid systems are legit. Examination is arbitrary in nature, and I hate so-called progressive education, esepcially continuously assessments claiming that it is effective. These stupid stuff are invented by US colleges such that the workload of both students and teachers are so huge. US wanna phase out UK education, and they invented IBDP to fight GCE. In UK, you can skip all lessons and take once-and-for-all final exam such that HongKongers can use less than $60K HKD to earn an LLB degree directly. US trusts wanna promote expenditures on progressive education so that they can profit while making ug gradates indebted with tuition fees.
We must understand how US is hideous instead of glorifying these insidious state.
ug level graduates*
US has invented stock markets.
And fools around the world even develop banking systems and finances.
People today become speculative and ruthless.
Mergre bankers get at least $1 million USD while 99.99% of remainders are facing transgenerational poverty.
Sadly, the youth didn't figure out this and even think that bantering me is fun.
They probably do not aware what Illuminati wanna do.
Liberal Studies in HK is NOT Liberal Arts at all.
The students are merely trained to be argumentative instead of reflective.
MK from senile generations invents IES to train project management without cost such that corporations can save the onsite training costs. DSE students are all fooled by such an examination system.
I work on exam papers but I won't participate in it, otherwise I am admiting that these stupid systems are legit. Examination is arbitrary in nature, and I hate so-called progressive education, esepcially continuously assessments claiming that it is effective. These stupid stuff are invented by US colleges such that the workload of both students and teachers are so huge. US wanna phase out UK education, and they invented IBDP to fight GCE. In UK, you can skip all lessons and take once-and-for-all final exam such that HongKongers can use less than $60K HKD to earn an LLB degree directly. US trusts wanna promote expenditures on progressive education so that they can profit while making ug gradates indebted with tuition fees.
We must understand how US is hideous instead of glorifying these insidious state.
ug level graduates*
US has invented stock markets.
And fools around the world even develop banking systems and finances.
People today become speculative and ruthless.
Mergre bankers get at least $1 million USD while 99.99% of remainders are facing transgenerational poverty.
Sadly, the youth didn't figure out this and even think that bantering me is fun.
They probably do not aware what Illuminati wanna do.
do not beware*
There are lots of conspiracy in international politics.
Sadly, MK are not aware of this and continue to use IM groups and channels to blacken my name.
They are brainless. They know only sexuality.