科技愈昌明, 人類越愚蠢
28/02/20 15:46
When astrology becomes pesudoscience, I envisage that mankind will vanish some day.
We will see how very important it is to bring about, in the human mind, the radical revolution. The crisis is a crisis in consciousness-- a crisis that cannot, anymore, accept the old norms, the old patterns, the ancient traditions. And considering what the world is now, with all the misery, conflict, destructive brutality, aggression, and so on Man is still as he was; is still brutal, violent, aggressive, acquisitive, competitive. And, hes built a society along these lines.
--Jiddu Krishnamurti

28/02/20 15:52
28/02/20 15:54
長期依賴電腦, 手寫退步了不少